The 1st decentralized multicollateral USD-pegged stablecoin — Equilibrium.

Jerri Me
4 min readSep 3, 2020


Safety, popularity, simplicity — all this is Equilibrium EQ Utility Token.

This is not just a coin, it is a whole ecosystem — a project that covers a huge number of services, while being completely safe.

Safety is one of the most important things in our daily life. Is it easy to achieve? Of course not. We are constantly monitored, as well as our money, therefore, in addition to ourselves, we must also monitor our savings. How will this be achieved? Of course it is — Equilibrium.

This relatively young project has tremendous potential, combining several blockchains into one huge ecosystem.

Here you can feel complete freedom, not inferior to the conventional monetary system. You can invest, move away, exchange, trade and these are not all the possibilities of this system.

New robust technology basis

Reliable price feeds.

Three public and reputable oracle providers are feeding prices every 1 minute at least.

Agile and accessible liquidation.

The stability mechanisms are embedded in smart contracts to maintain a 1:1 parity with USD.

Decentralized governance.

Community has a say in setting global system parameters, and more.

At the moment, the site has several self-contained products, such as:

— Staking pool;

Here you can stake your crypto and earn rewards. Can stake EOS, EOSDT and NUT.

How to staking:

All you need to do is decide on which of the tokens you want to use — there are 3 available currencies for staking: EOS, EOSDT stablecoin and NUT (our utility token), each of which has a different APY. Now determine and input your staking amount to be settled via our smart contracts. Keep in mind that the three asset options have different requirements. The minimum staking amount required is 1 EOSDT or 2 NUT. EOS does not require a certain minimum amount.

But If you withdraw your funds ahead of schedule, you will be charged a fine of 15%, Therefore, you cannot be frivolous about this, be careful.

— EOSDT stable currency;


EOSDT is a dollar-pegged currency that uses the underlying EOS blockchain backing, which makes it very stable.
You can lock EOS or BTC collateral and raise dollar liquidity in decentralized EOSDT stable currency at 1% APR.

— BP Voting;

Here you can Earn rewards by voting for your favorite Block Producers using Equilibrium’s Native Utility Token (NUT).


Increase your exposure to the collateral of choice and earn more in upside markets.

More about pyramids.

“A decentralized tool
for pyramiding at one click”

Equilibrium introduces a tool to lever up your EOS holdings seamlessly via connected DEXes in a single blockchain transaction:

  1. 100% decentralized. Transaction fails if anything goes wrong on the DEX side and funds get returned.

2. Exposure boost. EOSDT’s 130% min. collateralization requirement allows to get a high lever ratio.

3. Low costs involved. Just 1.8% APR to be accrued on outstanding EOSDT in your position.

It is a very fast and simple system created by automated this flow via smart contracts and made it simple.

How does it work?

With EOSDT you can:

  1. Lock EOS;

2. Generate EOSDT;

3. Buy more EOS on DEX;

4. Repeat starting stage one.

By the way, while I was writing this article, Equilibrium are proud to announce partnership with Polkadot, a unique protocol which is the Brainchild of Gavin Wood, Ethereum’s chief architect. Polkadot represents the most advanced enterprise blockchain technology available, ensuring high scalability, security, and interoperability.


In conclusion, I want to say that despite the relatively short time of the existence of this project, they have already done a tremendous amount of work on their system, conducted and are conducting an excellent PR campaign, combined cryptocurrencies into a single system — all this was done for us. For our safety, for our comfort.
And this is not the end. the site continues to actively develop, going through one stage after another, covering more and more areas and audience. It’s even hard to imagine what will come of it. And I hope we see it very soon!

This is really something new.

Official Web-Site:
Twitter: https: // twitter .com / EOSDT and

Telegram: @stainis.



Jerri Me

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